The miscella from the miscella tank ( 17) is pumped through vapour economizer ( 60 A) to first Evaporator (18 A). The Economizer Unit is specially designed in order to effectively utilize the heat of vapours emerging from the Desolventiser Toaster (70) the vapours from D.T. Enter into the (60 A) & dissipate heat to the incoming miscella from (17)
THE GALAMPTECH ECONOMSER has several advantages.
Firstly it results in reducing the consumption of steam in the plant. Secondly, it greatly increase the capacity of the Distillation section, as miscella enters the Distillation section at elevated concentrations of approximately 45% instead of the usual concentrations of around 20% and last but not the least, it increases the capacity of the condensing section in proportion to the heat dissipated from vapours of D.T. in the Economizer Unit & gainfully utilized for concentrations of miscella.
The concentrated miscella thus obtained from Economizer Unit, is rapidly heated in the first Evaporator (18 A) by means of low pressure steam and enters into the flasher (18 B), where solvent vapours are flashed off. The oil rich miscella thus obtained is charged into the second Evaporator (21A) & flasher cum stripper ( 22A ) the flashed off solvent vapours from ( 18B) & (22A) are condensed in the condensers 19 & 23 respectively & liquid solvent is recirculated back to the process through solvent water separator (32 A/B).
GALMPTECH'distillation system operates under very high vacuum & lower temperatures, & short distillation period which ensures good quality of oil. Further more the distillation system is coupled with a final drying of oil in final oil heater, which results in production of oil with exceptionally low- volatiles in it .